Fertility is a complex topic for transgender individuals and there is no “one size fits all” approach.

While biological children may not be a key consideration for some going through the process of gender affirmation; fertility preservation is a simple way to ensure that this remains a possibility when the time comes to make that decision. Here at Concept Fertility, we understand that this could be a difficult and uncomfortable journey, and we are here to help and guide you – regardless of where your journey takes you.

Is fertility preservation necessary for me?

One of the first questions you’d need to ask yourself is whether fertility preservation is a step you would like to consider. The information below serves to present current data on what is known about gender-affirmation and the potential impact on your fertility.

At present, the effect of hormone therapy on fertility is potentially reversible, but the extent of this is still uncertain. There have been many cases of successful pregnancy after ceasing hormone therapy; however, there are also many individuals who have been unable to conceive under the same circumstances.

For gender-affirming surgeries that include removal of the uterus and ovaries or penis and testicles, this does, of course, result in permanent sterility.

What are my fertility preservation options?

Fertility preservation can take the form of:

The collection of samples for sperm freezing are either produced in the private collection rooms at Concept Fertility or within your home if this is preferred. Home produced samples must be able to be delivered to the clinic within an hour of production to ensure quality is maintained. If this method of producing a sample is not possible, we encourage you to speak with your specialist to discuss other options available to you.

The egg freezing option involves stimulating the growth of multiple eggs which are then collected surgically and frozen the same day. This process does generally include monitoring via internal ultrasound, so please discuss with our nursing staff if this is not possible.

When providing care, it is important to us that assumptions are not made based on the similarity of your appearance to that of cis patients. Although we do always make our best effort to avoid cisnormativity, we encourage you to use and let us know of the language that you feel most comfortable with.

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