What is it?

A PCT assesses the interaction between sperm and cervical mucus after intercourse. This is tested by inserting a speculum into the vagina and taking a sample of the cervical fluid. The test itself only takes several seconds and is not painful.

Why is it used?

It is a useful test in detecting any major sperm and mucus abnormalities and/or abnormal sperm-mucus interactions.

What is involved?

With a PCT, the following steps are involved:

  1. Cycle tracking will be performed using blood tests to determine ovulation. The PCT needs to be performed as closely to the time of ovulation as possible as this is when the cervical mucus is most receptive to sperm.
  2. Once the time of ovulation has been determined, you will be instructed to have intercourse 4-10 hours BEFORE the PCT.
  3. During the test, a member of the nurse coordination team will insert a speculum into the vagina to locate the cervix before a PCT catheter aspirates a small amount of mucus from the area. The mucus is then examined under a microscope in the laboratory and graded.

What is graded?

During the grading process, the following is assessed; consistency of the mucous, the ferning of the mucous due to estrogen, the pH and the motility of the sperm through the mucous.

How much does the test cost?

Please refer to our Fee Schedule.

What happens after the test?

The results of the test will be provided approximately one to two weeks later.

A follow up appointment is required with your requesting fertility specialist to provide an explanation of your results and determine which treatment option is right for you.

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