We attempt to fertilise all the eggs collected in an IVF/ICSI cycle. Excess embryos that are not used in an immediate fresh embryo transfer that are at a suitable stage of development following assisted reproductive technology (ART) cycles, can be frozen for future use.

VitriFit vitrification carrier

Image: VitriFit vitrification carrier

How does embryo freezing work?
  1. Embryos are typically frozen on day 3 (eight cell stage), day 5 or 6 (blastocyst).
  2. Each embryo is placed on a vitrification device which is like a thin straw and sealed.
  3. The vitrification device is labelled with the name and unique file number of the patient before the vitrification process.
  4. Once frozen, the vitrification devices are stored at -196°C in liquid nitrogen within specialised storage tanks.
  5. Once embryos have been frozen, they can be stored for a maximum of ten years by law.
Embryos can remain in storage until:
  1. A frozen embryo transfer (FET)
  2. Donation to another couple/person
  3. Storage expiry or upon request: Where embryos are removed from the freezer and allowed to succumb,
  4. An application is made to the Reproductive Technology Council (RTC) of Western Australia to extend the storage period.
Concept Fertility will write to you 12 months prior to the expiration of your stored embryos and then again 6 months at which point you will be requested to communicate your intent for your stored embryos.
Please Contact Us for further information